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Rear monitor SM-14


14"external monitor

Type C, Mini HDMI 

If connection with type C 3.2, can control headunit vice versa.

If connection with HDMI (mini) , displays 2x HDMI output  with use of HDMI splitter convertor.


Tested with One Type C , with two HDMI out with splitter. Total 3 monitors.


Headunit needs to have Type C output in order to control via rear monitor. Full control on apps, full touch screen , video , audio . 


Can support Iphone (Type C) , phone control / lcd no control.

Can support Android phone ( both phone and lcdcan control.

Can support PC, and perhaps other devices no tested for external output.


Portable monitor, able to remove with one click.


HDMI install , (mini HDMI), requires power ( Type C) 5V2A.

Type C install, direct type C cable only.


Cables/splitters are sold separately , please enquire carefully how you want your setup to be . 


SM-14 Rear Monitor

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